Lex Technicae

FAQ - Bundle Processing Speciality

  1. What does processing time mean?

  2. What does turnaround time mean?

  3. What is the difference?

  1. What does processing time mean?

    The time on our end, from receipt of payment, to the time we complete processing your documents into their digital bundles.

  2. What does turnaround time mean?

    The time on your end, from the making of payment, to the time you receive your processed bundle.

  3. What is the difference?

    We have written purpose-designed and performant (computer) code to drive the processing of your documents. This is the part that splices, merges, identifies classifications/exhibits/content, checks for Rules-compliance, builds indexes, and so on.

    While computers remove the laborious aspect of physical bundling well, their output (though consistent) should always be checked for quality.

    We want bundles to be reliable for use when you accept them. Thus the turnaround times: regardless of how fast your digital bundles are processed, we still spend time checking the state of each bundle before they are sent back for review them with you/your representative solicitor. We trust that counsel/solicitors will appreciate this extra effort.

    Thus after processing, all bundles are queued for assessment. Unless your documents have issues, we should be able to return your documents to you in a reasonable time after they are processed and assessed.

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